Closing remarks by the Honourable Premier Refilwe Mtshweni-Tsipane on the occasion of Taking Legislature to the People at Thembisile Hani Local Municipality

31 March 2023

Honourable Speaker of the Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature;
The Deputy Speaker of our Legislature;
Honourable Members of the Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature;
Honourable Members of the National Legislature in our midst;
Honourable Members of the Executive Council;
The Executive Mayor of Nkangala District Municipality, Cllr Leah Mabuza;
Our Host, the Executive Mayor of Thembisile Hani Local Municipality, Cllr Lesetja Jacob Dikgale;
Esteemed Councillors present today;
Ingwenyama Makhosoke I wesitjhaba samaNdebele, Ndabezitha;
Bonkhe bo-Ndabezitha, led by the Chairperson of the Mpumalanga House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders Kgoshi Lameck Mokoena;
Senior government officials led by the Director General , Mr. Makhukhu Mampuru;
Sitjhaba seThembisile Hani neendawo ezizombezileko;
Invited guests, ladies and gentlemen;
Lotjhani, Dumelang, Thobela, Sanibonani, Gooie More, Good morning;

  1. Sithokoza khulu ukubanani bantu bekhethu ngemva kwesikhathi eside singanivakatjheli. Nizakhumbula bona sekuphele iminyaka emithathu siphila ngaphasi kwemithetho yeCovid 19 ebegade kusikhandela bona singakwazi ukuhlangana ngobunengi ndawoyinye.

  2. It gives me pleasure Madam Speaker, to have been invited by our Legislature, and be a part of this public participation programme which has brought the law makers of this province to the people of Thembisile Hani Municipality.

  3. As I join this programme, allow me Madam Speaker, to congratulate you and the Members of the Legislature for such a well-planned, well-coordinated and well-executed public participation programme.

  4. Taking legislature to the people is one of the key cornerstones of our democratic process that is enshrined in our constitution.

  5. It demands that a “People’s Parliament must be an institution that prioritises and seeks active engagement with the public, and that is receptive and responsive to the needs of the people”.

  6. For public participation to be successful and inclusive, it must meet all four requirements which are;
    • Informing the public,
    • consulting with the public,
    • involving the public and
    • subsequently giving feedback to the public.

  7. It is against this constitutional imperative that we have gathered here this week to give substance to this legislative requirement. I have no doubt that the beautiful people of Thembisile Hani have had meaningful public participation with our legislature.

  8. Over the last couple of days, law makers have been gathering inputs from a wide spectrum of stakeholders and interest groups, they have listened to a wide range of views and concerns and they have provided fair treatment, meaningful involvement and social inclusion for all people who have participated in various excursions and community meetings.

  9. My responsibility as the Premier and head of the executive is to give you feedback on all the issues that you have raised during this process.

  10. Madam Speaker, the people of Thembisile Hani Municipality have raised a number of issues ranging from our health sector, to the state of our infrastructure, lack of sports facilities, water challenges, housing shortages and inadequate basic service delivery in general.

  11. Sinilalele bantu bekhethu begodu sizizwile iinlilo zenu. Enizokuthabela ukuthi okunengi enilile ngakho sesikulungisile kanti okunye kwakho simajadu siyakulungisa.

  12. Okhunye kutlhoga umasipala wendawo namkha kunjalo sizomsiza umasipala lapho sikghona khona. Kanti okhunye sizokuhlelela kuhle emnyakeni mmali omutjha othoma nje ngo April bekufikela umnyaka ozako.

  13. Sizimisele ngayo yoke indlela ukuthi sihlangabezane nani kizo zoke iindingo zenu.
  14. Sizokubawa godu-ke bona nisibekezelele ngombhana iimali ezinengi kwatlhogeka bona sizifake emnyangweni wezepilo silinga bona abantu bekhethu bangabulawa yiCovid 19 khulu.

  15. Sibuye sakhupha isilulu semali yamasocial grants nalapho silinga godu njengorhulumende ophetheko weANC ukuthi abantu bekhethu bangabulawa yindlala.

  16. Kuyathabisa ukuthi singezinye seemfunda ezingazange zihlukunyezwe khulu yiCovid 19 ngebanga lomsebenzi omuhle noqalekako wabasebenzi bethu eembhedlela nematlinigi.

  17. Madam Speaker, for the past decade there has been a steady but significant decline in the number of learners who passed matric in this municipality. In 2014, more than 77% learners passed matric in this area, that figure declined to 71,1% in 2021 and further declined to 67,7% last year.

  18. The university admission rate also declined from just over 30% in 2021 to 26% in 2022. This represents the worst performance of all our municipalities in this province.

  19. This requires our immediate attention. Through the Department of Education, we have started to send teams through the ‘Ayihlome Ifunde’ campaign to all poor performing schools in the area.

  20. Sizwile begodu bona nilila ngesikolo sabentwana abakhubazekileko. Njengorhulumende sesithathe isiqunto sokuthi iinkolo esinazo emiphakathini yethu zibathathe abentwana abangakakhubazeki khulu nabakwazi ukufunda nokutlola. Lokhu kuzokuphungula ukukhethululana kwabentwana abakhubazekileko. Labo abakhubazeke khulu bona bazokhanjiswa eSinakane Special School eNokaneng.

  21. I am also pleased to report that problems that were raised about Zamani day care centre, Hluzinqondo Secondary and Zithatheleni, have been resolved.

  22. Challenges faced by Thusanang, Somlingo and Thuthukani, have not escaped our attention, as government. Should it happen that the closing of Entokozweni Secondary school results in overcrowding at both Sozilani and Sindawonye, we will add more classrooms.

  23. Madam Speaker, research suggest that roads are the bedrock of our economy, and that they make economic activities possible. Just as the citizens of Thembisile Hani are unhappy about the state of the roads, we are equally, concerned about the challenges of poor road infrastructure, which have been exacerbated by storms and floods. Every village and every township has similar problems.

  24. Potholes everywhere, storm water drainage system not working, bridges damaged and destroyed, gravel roads in poor conditions. The list is endless. We know about all these challenges, hence we are currently conducting an assessment of the damage, so that we can respond accordingly.

  25. Njengombhana nazi bona yindawo kamaspala wenu le begodu umsebenzakhe kulungisa leziintjhijilo. Sizokuhlala phasi nomasipala sibonisane ukuthi singasizana kuphi bunjani nokuthi sithoma ngakuphi okuqakatheke khulu nokurhabeke khulu.

  26. Nasele sibonisene nomaspala sizakuhlela nomnyango wethu iPublic Works sibone bona isizo le Yellow Fleet elikhona lingangani ukwenzela bona sithome ngeendlela namabhrorho afuna ukulungiswa. Umaspala selathomile ngehlelo lokulungisa amapot holes kodwana njengombhana ngitjho bona izulu nalisana ngalindlela, uthi ulungisa namhlanje kube konakala ksasa.

  27. Enye-ke indaba esiphatha kumbi begodu eyenza bona singalali, bungehli ubuthongo njengoNdunakulu wesifunda, yindaba yokutlhogeka kwamanzi. Bakwethu ayikho into ebuhlungu njengokuswela amanzi. Sithi kghodhlelelani sekuseduze phambili.

  28. The Loskop dam bulk water supply project is underway. Sekusikhathi eside abantu beThembisile Hani banekinga yamanzi. Akukho esingakakulingi ngombhana namaboreholes ebegade siwazama amanye aphelelwa mamanzi amanye sathola bona The quality of water underground is too poor and too acidic, awaseleki.

  29. Sinethemba elikhulu lokuthi nange lelihlelo lokuletha amanzi seliphothuliwe zizokuncipha khulu imiraro yenu yamanzi. Lo msebenzi omkhulu begodu othatha isikhathi kodwana sekuseduze phambili. UMaspala wenu uzokuragela phambili nokunilethela amanzi ngamathanka wamanzi nokuthi amanzi layo siwasebenzise kuhle ngombhana atlhogeka.

  30. As part of our strategy to target basic service delivery, we have directed all our municipalities, including Thembisile Hani Local Municipality, to set aside at least 50% to 75% of their municipal infrastructure grant’s allocation to address water and sanitation infrastructure challenges.

  31. Working with district municipalities and the Department of Water and Sanitation, we will continue to provide support to Thembisile Hani and all other municipalities by ensuring the operation of water treatment plants and testing of water quality, to improve the level of water quality.

  32. Madam Speaker, the District Development Model is the most effective approach in coordinating the support of all sectors to deal with service delivery matters. Our social partners in the private sector are also on board in assisting us to address service delivery challenges as part of support to municipalities.

  33. We have also developed an integrated road infrastructure plan which seeks to ensure that a district approach is mobilized in addressing construction and maintenance of roads by the provincial government and municipalities. Municipalities have also been advised to ring fence the allocation for the maintenance of road (which includes resealing of potholes and re-gravelling of road), and also paving of roads in general.

  34. We also monitor the implementation of service delivery programmes to ensure that we intervene timeously where failures are recorded, particular on unsuccessful project implementation.

  35. Nibuye nalila ngobulelesi oburhageleko obufaka phakathi ukwetjiwa kwamacables wegezi, iindakamizwa amadrugs, namagenge ahlukumeza abantu bekhethu.

  36. Amapholisa sele athathe isiqunto sokuthi azokuvakatjhela amascrap yard ekungiwo asetjenziswako ekuthengisweni kwamacable la. Layo azokutholwa namacables wegezi azokuhlawuliswa nofana abotjhwe.

  37. Indlela engcono engehlisa iindakamizwa kubotjhwa kwalabo ababanikazi beendakamizwezi ngombhana lokha nawubopha abazithengisa endleleni ksasa kuvuka sele kunabanye abatjha abawathengisako.

  38. Izinga lobelelesi lingehla nange singabambisa nabomthetho. Malungana nokungabikhona kweenkoloyi emapholistetjhini neentetjhi zamapholisa ezingasaqaleki kuhle ngizokhuluma noNgqongqotjhe wamapholisa ukuze ayisikimelele phezulu indaba le.

  39. The issue of illegal taverns and those that operate beyond their regulated times is a serious concern. The majority of contact crimes including rape and murders take place at or near taverns.

  40. Siyanibawa bona nibe yingcenye yama police forums and assist police to shut down illegal taverns and force those who violate the law, to either operate within the law or shut down as well.

  41. Kukhona ababawe isizo ukuze balime batjale iingadi zabo ukuze baziphilise. Namtjhana njani umnyango wezokulima uzobasiza. Siyabathanda abantu abafuna ukuziphilisa iskakhulukazi njengombhana ubujamo bezomnotho bubogaboga nje. Labo abahla kinaka amawards 23,26,29,30 ne 31 bona besele bathunyelelwe isizo leengadi kanti nalayo amanye amaward esele afake iimbawo azokuqalelelwa. Uzolifumana bunjani isizo uhleli ekhoneni.

  42. UMavumba Fresh Produce Market no Nhlakanipho Business Piggery Project abathinte umnyango bezwe ukuthi ungabasiza bunjani. Abalimi abasakhasako ngaphansi kweFortune 40 projects kufanele bazi bona urhulumende uzobasekela lokha nabasathomako, at some stage they will have to stand on their own and become viable and profitable farmers ngeze baphila ngokusekelwa ngurhulumende njalo nje. Nomntwana ubelethwa akhase, asukume, akhambe bese uthoma ukugijima. Akahlali phasi forever.

  43. What is of importance to us is to support them with access to the market through opening up opportunities for them to supply government nutrition programmes, whether school feeding schemes or supply hospitals with their fresh produce.

  44. We have also identified Nkangala district as the most suitable region for grain production. Through our grain corridor programme we will be supporting farmers who wish to extend their existing grain farming or those that want to enter into this market.

  45. At the heart of this programme is to process grain like sunflower seeds into cooking oil. A feasibility study is being conducted on where and at what scale do we manufacture the grain processing plant.

  46. Sizwile bona abantu balila ngama-title deeds abangawatholiko. Iindawo ezinengi kilomkhandlu kamaspala iThembisile Hani zingaphasi kobukhosi ngikho kungasilula ukuthola amaTitle Deeds. Kodwana ubukhosi buyayikhupha incwadi abayibiza ngokuthi yi permission to occupy. Nofana lencwadi ingasiyo iTitle Deed kodwana iyatjho ukuthi umhlaba owakhe kiwo ngowakho ubukhosi bukunikele wona.

  47. Nizakhumbula bantu bekhethu ukuthi sithathe isiqunto sokuthi sizokusiza isitjhaba ngokuthi sifake iinsiza kuma sites bese abantu bazakhela bona izindlu. Labo abatlhogako nabatlhagako njengamachegu neelukazi nabentwana abanganababelethi siyabakhela.

  48. Namkha kunjalo sinalo ihlelo eliragako njengombhana sikhuluma lokwakha izindlu ezilikhulu-100 kiyo indawo le yeThembisile. Umnyango uzokuqinisekisa bona izindlu ezakhiwako zakhiwa ngendlela efaneleko begodu azibhuruki. Siyezwa bona kukhona ezakhiwe phambilini esele zinamabharasi.

  49. The matter of mud houses that were affected by the recent heavy rains is receiving attention. We have requested the municipality to do an investigation, identify those that are affected and assist them with applications for RDP houses. This process should not and will not be delayed any further.

  50. Kukhona abalile ngama food parcels ukuthi abawatholi, kungcono angezelelwe nabo bawathole. Kunomthetho olandelwako lokha umuntu nakafake isibawo sokunikelwa amafood parcels akunikelwa namtjhana ngubani. Begodu-ke urhulumende odoswa yiANC usaragela phambili nokunikela ngama social grants athoma ngesikhathi seCovid. Loyo naloyo ongasebenziko begodu ongasitholi isibonelelo lesi segrant akafake isibawo se grant le ka R350 ngenyanga.

  51. Labo abalile ngokuthi kufakwe isecurity kupay point eBoekenhouthoek ngombhana batshwenywa zilelesi, sesikwenzile lokho seyikhona isecurity kanti namapholisa siyawabawa ukuthi ngamalanga womrholo nawo abekhona azokulekelela.

  52. Ngebanga leelilo ezinengi zokuthi ama Non Profit Organizations awakhambisi izinto kuhle sesiqunte bona sithome ihlelo lokubabandula sibafundise ukuthi ziphathwa bunjani iincwadi zeemali.

  53. Umnyango wezehlalakuhle uzokuvakatjhela iZamokuhle Protection Workshop, iSANCA nePhutanang Care Centre for Aged uzwe imiraro neentjhijilo abanazo nokuthi singabasiza bunjani.

  54. Malungana nomnyango wezepilo nilile khulu ngokutlhayela kweenhlahla emaklinigi neembhedlela, iskakhulukazi esibhedlela sakwaMhlanga, eBoekenhout A ne B, eKwagga A ne C, eVerena, eTweefontein A ne H, neMoloto.

  55. Sakwenza kwaba mthetho ukuthi isibhedlela neklinigi kuhlale kuneehlahla ezingeni eliyi-90% ngombhana phela siyazi bona kesinye isikhathi iinhlahlezi zibuya ngaphetjheya kwamalwandle. Angeke ihlale itholakala 100%. Ngokwazi kwethu iTweefontein H eno 87.7% Kanye neMoloto eno 89.2% okutjho ukuthi zombili zingaphasi kancani ko 90%.

  56. Zoke lezi ezinye zingaphezulu ko 90% Siyabakhuthaza abodorhodere bona nangabe kunomhlobo othileko wesihlala ongekho benze iprescription yomunye osebenza okufanako naloyo ongekho.

  57. You also highlighted the shortage of medical staff including doctors, nurses, radiographers and others. We have currently advertised for posts for all our health facilities including Boekenhout clinic. As we address this challenge, we are also exploring the plan to transfer possibly, doctors from other facilities across the Province to KwaMhlanga Hospital, for support.

  58. Indawo yeVezubuhle ilila ngeklinigi, indawo le inabantu abalinganiselwa ku 8000 ngakho-ke itlhoga iklinigi. Kwanje ifumana isizo leMobile Clinic. Sizokulinga ngokusemandleni ukuthi nabo bayithole iklinigi sizokhuluma nababelani kuprivate sector sizwe ukuthi ngeze basisiza na basakhele iklinigi.

  59. Bekunomraro wamanzi eklinigi yeTweefontein D neklinigi yeKwaggafontein A. Umraro loyo urarululiwe. Matshwayo layo wokuthi singurhulumende wabantu olalelako lokha abantu nabalilako.

  60. Siyavuma bona iklinigi yeTweefontein H yincani khulu kodwana phela ikhona enye eseduze nayo iklinigi yeTweefontein G esele isebenza 24 hours abantu sebangaya kiyo nofana kunini.

  61. Banengi abantu abalila ngokuthi isibhedlela sakwaMhlanga has poor service. Abaphathwa kuhle, bayahlukunyezwa, balinda isikhathi eside, kunengi abalila ngakho. Ngizokubawa uNgqongqotjhe ophethe zepilo ayisukumelele phezulu indaba le. Nami ngizosivakatjhela isibhedlela lesi begodu angekhe ngimemezele bona ngiyeza. Ngizokufika ngingakalayeli njengesiguli.

  62. Ukulungiswa ngobutjha kweklinigi yeMoloto ebekufanele bona kuthathe inyanga yinye sekuthathe iinyanga ezintathu kungakapheli nekuyinto engezwakali kuhle leyo. Sizokubawa iPublic Works ingenelele kilendaba.

  63. Siyavuma bona iKwagga CHC yincani ayikwazi ukufeza zike iindingo zabahlali. Sizokuqala emnyakeni mmali ka2024 kuya ku 2025 ukuthi singayikhulisa bunjani. Sizokwakha nefence yepallisade ezokusebenza kwesikhatjhana iimali zingakabikhona zokufaka ifencing engcono.

  64. IVerena CHC inazo zoke iindingo zeklinigi ezifunekako kwanje kutjhoda amaclerk amathathu nakhona godu sizoyiqalelela indaba yakhona. Okhunye esizokuthumela eVerena CHC yiMobile Clinic etja nasele siyithengile ngombhana le ekhona seyidala khulu iphuka qho.

  65. Ezinye izinto enilile ngazo boApholo amaHigh Mast Lights nama street lights. Umaspala uzokuthoma ngehlelo lokufaka amaHigh Mast Lights kuma ward 1,2,3,15 ne 30. Kuzokuthi ibudget nasele ivuma sifake nakwamanye amaward. Nilile nangamatatawu wezemidlalo ehlukahlukeneko.

  66. Umnyango wezamasiko, zobukghwari nezemidlalo uzoyiqalelela indaba le godu-ke sizokhulumisana nababelani bethu kuprivate sector nabo abangafaka isandla basize.

  67. Nilile nangeehlelo zokuthuthukisa umnotho wendawo Local Economic Development ukuthi akukho okungako okwenzekako ngaphasi komaspala lo. Sizokubawa umnyango wethu wezomnotho ubambisene neMega ukuthi bayitjheje indaba le nanokuthi lapho kune infrastructure ehlezi engasebenziko ilungiswe ukuze umphakathi uyisebenzise.

  68. I call upon people of Nkangala to familiarize themselves with all opportunities that are available from all spheres government be it local, provincial or national. There are opportunities within the private sector as well.

  69. Three years ago we launched an exciting and dynamic youth fund, the Premier’s Youth Development Fund. Since inception of the fund, 97 young people have been approved for funding. As at the end of February 2023, more than R90 million had already been disbursed to at least 78 youth enterprises.

  70. We therefore call upon young aspiring entrepreneurs from this region to apply for funding, through strong business cases, which include innovative ideas. If your application is not successful for the first time, do not give up. Keep trying, until your application is approved.

  71. For example, there are ample opportunities within the renewable energy sector. Young people are installing invertible and solar power energies in households and in business premises. The renewable energy sector is growing by leaps and bounds and people from outside the province, are benefitting out of this boom. We want local young people to get into this space of renewable energies.

  72. During the State of the Province Address of 2023, I announced that government will soon be facilitating the establishment of a Mpumalanga Youth Advisory and Advocacy Council.

  73. The Youth Council will become a voice of young people in this province through which they can express their aspirations, their frustrations and opinions on matters that affect them directly and indirectly and their communities.

  74. With more than sixty per cent of our provincial population dominated by young people between the ages of birth and 34, it is imperative that the youth develop the skills they need to contribute to their families, their province, and their country. The youth council is a mechanism that will enable young people in this province to gain these skills while simultaneously changing their communities. All three districts will be fairly represented in the Youth Council.

  75. Sengiphetha ikulumo yami, Nginifisela ikhambo elihlenanibuyela emakhaya.Begodu nginifisela ipelaviki yeGudi enokuthula nephephileko ngiyanibawa bona ningaseli bese niyatjhayela, nihloniphe imithetho yoke yendlela. Ningatjhayeli ngebelo. Nitjhayele ngokuphepha.

  76. Ngithembe godu bona sizakuhlangana sikwazi ukuqalana netjhijilo esiqalene nazo emizameni yethu yokuthuthukisa amaphilo wabantu bekhethu.

  77. Ngiyathokoza.

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