Premier Mabuza instructs municipalities and government departments to increase budgets for provincial and local Aids councils


14 October 2013

Mpumalanga Premier David Mabuza has instructed both municipalities and provincial government departments to increase their budgets for the Mpumalanga Provincial Aids Council [MPAC] in an effort to maximise impact in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

Speaking in his capacity as the chairperson of MPAC at its sitting held in KaMhlushwa on Friday [11 October 2013] in Nkomazi Municipality, Premier Mabuza said the budgets were not sufficient to effectively support the work of the provincial and the local aids councils.

He said an increased budget would enable the councils to be able to do their work properly of mobilising communities to take responsibility on matters of HIV and AIDS such as not engaging on unsafe sex, knowing their status and further give support to those who are infected and affected by the virus.

“If you want to fight this kind of a battle, you must arm yourself by having dedicated programmes that you must carry out. In order for you to achieve on those programmes you need reasonable resources to systematically go all out and attack this scourge.

“Municipalities and provincial government departments should increase their budgets that deal with the fight against HIV and AIDS, otherwise any other thing they would be doing is pointless because the nation is sick.

“I am not happy with current funds budgeted for the fight against HIV and AIDS. We have to be aggressive in our approach by doing certain things extra ordinary in order to emerge victorious from this war,” said Mabuza.

Mabuza said he wanted Mpumalanga to be counted amongst the provinces that have worked hard in fighting the HIV and AIDS scouge. Currently the province is the second worst hit by the scourge with Gert Sibande District Municipality having more infections at 46 percent and has budgeted only R1.3million.

He explained that the existing budgets catered for government alone and the civil society which was regarded as crucial in the battle had no funds. He said he wanted to see the civil society also taking an active participation instead of waiting for government.

He added that the basic budget to carry work by the civil society needed to be funded by government. The Premier subsequently demanded integrated plans which determining the activities of both the civil society and government.

“The intention of government is to teach communities at large to take responsibility. Currently I do not see the ‘working together’ between government and civil society in getting the nation in our province to focus in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

“If we are faced in one direction as a province, we will definitely succeed. We can only win this war if as a province we have the right attitude. As people have more confidence on civil society, we must therefore ensure that we get this sector to participate actively,” said Mabuza.

Mabuza said he was nevertheless very encouraged to see the few steps taken by the council in the fight against HIV and AIDS that it was making progress. He said the communities in the province had entered a stage where they could “talk and sing” about the matters related to HIV and AIDS.

During the sitting a certain doctor appreciated the MPAC’s efforts of dealing with the pandemic but cautioned that the reports should not be generalised. He further warned that the municipalities should not concentrate on the numbers of people who attend their planned gatherings to educate people about HIV and AIDS, but should focus on the impact their sessions had made.

A traditional healer applauded the Nkomazi Local Aids Council for involving them in dealing with the disease. He said as an individual, he had sent more than 300 patients for testing for HIV and that more than 500 of his initiates had tested.

The delegates at the sitting were speechless when young HIV and AIDS ambassadors who are living with a virus educated them on how to constantly take anti-retroviral drugs.

There was a concern during the sitting that the local aids councils of Mbombela, Emakhazeni and Dipaliseng municipalities were not fully functional. The sitting took a decision that in their next session individual municipalities would have to present reports on the status of their activities in the fight against HIV and AIDS.


Issued by Zibonele Mncwango
Spokesperson: Mpumalanga Premier
Mpumalanga Provincial Government
Office of the Premier
Tel: (013) 766 2453
Mobile: 079 491 0163

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