Mpumalanga Department of Education
- Develop, evaluate and maintain policy, programmes and systems for general and further education and training, including ABETand ECD.
- Provide education policy, planning and development support services for the department.
- Manage and render corporate services.
- Render financial management services as well as provisioning and logistical services.
- Render internal audit services.
- Execute the requirements of the Public Finance Management Act pertaining to the responsibilities of Accounting Officers.
MEC for Education
- The rendering of ministerial services
Chief Directorate: General- and Further Education and Training
- Develop, evaluate and maintain policy, programmes and systems for general education and training, including ABETand ECD.
- Develop, evaluate and maintain policy, programmes and systems for further education and training.
- Develop and maintain a quality assurance system and the management of systems concerning public examinations.
Chief Directorate: Systems and Planning
- Render services concerning the strategic research and co-ordination of macro policy and planning processes, legislative services, projects co-ordination as well as nutrition programmes.
- Render integrated education resource planning and - management information services.
- Develop human resources.
- Render communication - and related services.
- Co-ordinate regions.
Chief Directorate: Corporate Services
- Render human resource management services.
- Render information technology services.
- Render legal services.
Chief Directorate: Financial Management
- Manage and render services i..r.o the department’s budget and revenue, bookkeeping and system (BAS) control.
- Manage and render services i..r.o the department’s general expenditure, salaries and salary accounts.
- Assist the Accounting Offices in discharging all the duties allocated in terms of the Public Finance Management Act
- Manage and render provisioning and logistical management services.
Office of the HoD
Security Management Unit
- Formulate departmental security policy.
- Ensure the availability and existence of proper security systems.
- Give advice on security systems and general security measures within the department.
- Ensure safety of departmental documentation, personnel, communication, computers and physical assets.
- Conduct the vetting / screening of officials.
- Conduct investigations on security related matters.
Directorate: Internal Audit
- Conduct performance/compliance audits.
- Render internal control services.
Chief Directorate: General - and Further Education and Training
- Develop, evaluate and maintain policy, programmes and systems for GET, including ABET and ECD.
- Develop, evaluate and maintain policy, programmes and systems for FET.
- Develop and maintain a quality assurance system and the management of systems concerning public examinations.
Directorate: General Education and Training
- Promote the development and implementation of curriculum for the intermediate and senior phase.
- Promote the development and implementation of policy, programmes and systems for the provisioning of early Childhood Education and ABET, as well as for the provisioning of educational support services.
- Promote the development and implementation of policy, programmes and systems for learners with special educational needs.
Directorate: Further Education and Training
- Promote the planning, research and establishment of a co-ordinated system for FET and the facilitation of the design of programmes relevant to the development needs of the province.
- Promote the development and implementation of FET curriculum in line with the 12 fields of learning.
- Render a FET institutional management support service.
Directorate: Quality Assurance
- Conduct systemic evaluation on all levels of the education system.
- Promote the improved performance of learners at all learning sites.
- Manage systems concerning public examinations.
- Co-ordinate and monitor the implementation of Whole School Evaluation.
Chief Directorate: Systems and Planning
- Render services concerning the strategic research and co-ordination of macro policy and planning processes legislative services, projects co-ordination as well as nutrition programmes.
- Render integrated education resource planning and - management information services.
- Develop human resources.
- Render communication - and related services.
- Co-ordinate regions.
Directorate: Strategic Planning and Co-ordination
- Strategically co-ordinate-, monitor- and report on macro policy and planning processes, and render legislative services.
- Initiate, develop and co-ordinate all educational projects, in support of the macro strategic plan.
- Ensure the implementation of nutrition programmes, as well as assessing the impact thereof.
Directorate: Resource Planning
- Develop and manage plans for the strategic provisioning of physical resources and institutional registration.
- Strategically develop and operate education and training management information systems.
- Assist with strategic financial planning.
Directorate: Human Resource Development
- Develop provincial education management- and governance capacity, and the rendering of support to teachers in presenting learning systems
- Develop Public Service Staff (PSS) through training and education.
- Plan, develop and maintain a workplace skills development strategy.
Chief Directorate: Corporate Services
- Render human resource management services.
- Render information technology services.
- Render legal services.
Directorate: Human Resource Management
- Manage human resource planning and -provisioning.
- Manage human resource remuneration and -performance matters.
- Manage labour relations, incapacity/inefficiency and misconduct
Chief Directorate: Financial Management
- Support the Accounting Officer in the execution of operational plans and strategic financial planning.
- Determine whether the objectives, programmes and projects of the department are clearly described and measured.
- Ensure that physical asset plans support the strategic plan of the department and conforms to Asset Management requirements.
- Monitor control on expenditure and revenue collection, develop and determine effective systems of internal control.
- Ensure that financial management measures exist to reveal inefficient and irregular use of state money, goods and other aids and advise the Accounting Officer on the establishment and improvement of such measures.
- Prepare monthly reports and contribute to the annual report for the department.
- Determine and monitor proper systems of performance management, debt-, liability- and risk management.
- Determine and monitor policies and procedures of effective management of losses and claims.
- Monitor the cash management performance of the department.
- Advise the Accounting Officer on all matters relating to finance including budgetary matters, as well as how to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the pursuance of departmental objectives.
- Advise Programme Managers with regard to financial and accounting matters.
- Ensure sound provisioning and logistical management services for the department.
Directorate: Management Accounting
- Render departmental budget- and revenue management services.
- Render bookkeeping management services.
- Render system control (BAS) services.
- Perform duties of Departmental Accountant.
Directorate: Financial Accounting
- Render general expenditure management services.
- Render departmental salary- and salary account management services.
- Perform duties of Departmental Accountant.
Directorate: Provisioning and Logistical Management
- Render departmental provisioning management services.
- Prepare, administer and inspect building projects.
- Render departmental office auxiliary management services.