Cabinet Statement - 12 October 2011
In the meeting held on 12 October 2011, the Executive Council
processed the following issue
The Executive Council approved the final resolutions of Executive
Council Lekgotla held on 7-9 September 2011. The resolutions identified the
following areas of improvement in order to meet its annual targets:
- The Province must begin to incorporate Comprehensive Rural
Development Programmes (CRDP) into the Local Economic Development plans of
municipalities and vice versa. Cooperatives should be made the anchor of all
rural development initiatives, since it has proven through the CRDP pilots
even at its early state, to be an effective tool in the facilitation of the
rapid creation of jobs and sustainable livelihood at a local level and the
rallying point for local people.
- Payments of municipal debts must be prioritized by all provincial
and national departments, while using this to identify municipalities with
weak billing systems and put in place mechanisms to assist them to improve
their billing systems.
- There must be the implementation of revenue generation and cost
recovery mechanisms to enhance financial viability of municipalities.
- The Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Land
Administration (DARDLA) is to establish a fresh produce market in the
province within the current fiscal year
The Department of Cooperative Government and Traditional Affairs
(COGTA) and the Provincial Treasury must put up a team to assist municipalities
to achieve clean audits by 2014 and to put cost curtailment measures.
Indonesia Outbound Mission Report
The EXCO noted the report of the Indonesia Outbound Mission Report on
July 8-17 2011 led by Mr. Norman Mokoena MEC for Economic Development,
Environment and Tourism (DEDET). The visit was sanctioned by the Executive
council to explore commonalities that the province had with Indonesia, flowing
from a desktop investigation that indicated a number of opportunities that could
be of benefit to the province. Indonesia is becoming one of the top 7 growing
developing countries. The delegation, indeed confirmed possible areas of
cooperation that include:
- Areas of sugar milling and a pulping beneficiation
- Bio-fuel technologies.
- Solar energy technologies in line with the province’s green
- Opportunities for small South African farmers training in
Indonesia and participation of the Mpumalanga business sector in the AGRINEX
EXPO in March 2012.
The Executive Council endorsed the idea to explore possible cooperation, which should culminate into a visit by the Honorable Premier DD Mabuza to among other things sign a memorandum of understanding with the province of South Sumatra in Indonesia.
Study Visit To India
EXCO approved the names of the eight officials nominated by departments
to participate in the India Technical and Economical Cooperation (ITEC) training
programme for 2011/12 in India. The Department of Public Service and
Administration (DPSA) requested provinces through the Office of the Premier to
nominate eight officials to participate in training programmes offered in
India.. The officials identified are from the Office of the Premier, DEDET,
DARDLA and Social Development. The training will empower the officials to
implement the Provincial Growth and Development Strategy.
Commemoration Of The Samora Machel Plane Crash
The EXCO expressed its support to the commemoration of the 25th
anniversary of former Mozambican President Samora Machel plane crash at Mbuzini
Mpumalanga. The commemoration is to take place on the 17th and 19th October 2011
at Mbuzini and Maputo respectively. The ceremony will be hosted by national
Department of Arts and Culture.
Payment Of Service Providers Within 30 Days
The Executive Council endorsed the resolution of the recently held
Presidential Coordinating Council (PCC) that calls on all government
departments nationally and provincially to pay service providers within 30
The Provincial Education Prayer Day
The Executive Council calls on all pastors, parents and citizens of
Mpumalanga to support our beloved ‘Matric Class of 2011’ and the Department of
Education by attending the provincial Prayer Day for our learners as they
prepare for their final examinations that start on Monday October 17 2011. The
Provincial Education Prayer Day will be held on Saturday October 15 2011 at
Thulamahashe Stadium Bushbuckridge starting at 10.00am.
Lebona Mosia
Cell: 0825616465
Tel: 0137662244
Issued by the Communication Chief Directorate, Office of the Premier, Mpumalanga Provincial Government